Raiser's Edge Data Request Form

Raiser's Edge Data Request Form
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Raiser's Edge Data Request Form

All information requested is confidential for use by Austin Peay State University faculty and staff. No information will be given to anyone outside of the University. For questions, contact Blythe Manuel, Data & Reporting Analyst, at 931-221-6473 and manuelb@apsu.edu or the Office of Philanthropy at 931-221-7127 and give@apsu.edu.

If this is a request for outside the Alumni, Engagement and Philanthropy Division, the request will be submitted to Kris Phillips, Vice President for Alumni, Engagement and Philanthropy, for approval. 

Campus Email: Required Field

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Privacy Agreement

Confidentiality Agreement

In performing activities for APSU utilizing Raiser's Edge NXT and/or data from Raiser's Edge NXT, APSU Employee agrees:

  1. The data is proprietary information and the exclusive property of the APSU Foundation and Austin Peay State University. 
  2. Employee will use the data solely for the performance of the fundraising/cultivation activity. 
  3. Employee will exercise all reasonable precautions to assure that the data is held in strict confidence. 
  4. Employee will not disclose the data to any third party (including other employees) without prior written consent of the Office of University Advancement, unless the third party has also entered into a "Confidentiality Agreement" with the Office of University Advancement. 
  5. Employee will exercise all reasonable precautions to prevent loss, theft, compromise or misuses of the data. 
  6. Employee will not retain any copy or copies of the data once the fundraising/cultivation activity has been performed or completed. 
  7. If employee is required to disclose any data pursuant to legal process, employee shall notify APSU before disclosing the data in order to allow APSU to seek appropriate remedy to protect the data. 

Please click link to review APSU Policy 1.020 Confidentiality of Student Records.

1. How will you use this list/report?